April 2022 News: Spectrum, Gerry Anderson and More Excitement!

April 2022 News: Spectrum, Gerry Anderson and More Excitement!

You love Gerry Anderson as much as we do!

Our Kickstarter achieved its target in four hours and we’re now on to stretch goal #4! That’s incredible! Thank you!

We’d love if you could share the page around with anyone who might like to know that New Captain Scarlet, Terrahawks and Space Precinct are coming to comics.

Click here to go to the Kickstarter page!

– Katie, Digital Overlord

Stretch goal #4!

It’s an amazing progress sketch by New Captain Scarlet story artist Pete L Woods! Anyone who’s interested in the comic making process can get a glimpse with this.  You can help us unlock it by getting the campaign to £5250. Share it around if you can!

Keep your eyes open, and make sure you’re following our social media accounts to stay up to date!
Twitter: @TimeBombComics 
Facebook: @TimeBombComics 
Instagram: @timebombcomicsuk 
In other news…
We’ll be at Thought Bubble 2022!
Last year was a blast, and Time Bomb is delighted to announce that we’re going to be there again! Come and say hi!
Rotten Under the Snow is for pre-order sale!
As described by Shift on Facebook:

“Rotten Under The Snow is a a historical sci-fi thriller with a dose of horror, and a good dose of pulp adventure thrown in. It follows female Russian fighter pilot Dajana, a former Night Witch, as she fights Nazi off-world technology and regains her humanity along the way. It’s that combination of action and personality that makes this story unique and perfect for all adult and young-adult audiences, and the sort of traditional genre mash-up that Time Bomb Comics has become known for.”

Get it here on The Shift
Or here on Get My Comics

Geek Culture Reviews
Rob Lake spoke to me about Rotten. Read on to find out what got me obsessed with horror! Read it here!

April 2022 News: Spectrum, Gerry Anderson and More Excitement!